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Making Heavy Duty Bungee Cords from Old Tires

Making Heavy Duty Bungee Cords from Old Tires
Making Heavy Duty Bungee Cords from Old Tires

YouTuber sixtyfiveford was challenged by his viewers to come up with a unique use for old tires.

He’d never seen anyone else do this, nor could he find any when he Googled it.

This hits the nail on the head and gives old tires a long second life…

This is the folding replaceable razor blade pocket knife used in the video:

Gerber EAB Pocket Knife

sixtyfiveford has owned this knife for going on 10 years and loves it.

Final Thoughts

1″ to 1-1/4″ (2-3cm) seams to be able to hold around 200lbs (light-duty car tire) without breaking.

A thicker truck tire would hold even more. I did not test this to the breaking point but could. The only issue is the numbers would be subjective to the tire thickness, age, condition, uniformity of cut, etc.

It takes around 1-2 minutes to cut one out and around 5 minutes to make a reusable “S” hook. These times lessen dramatically after you do a couple.