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Bad Chad Marries a 1949 Mercury and 1936 Ford into a Custom Built COE

Custom Cabover
1936 Ford and 1949 Mercury Become Custom Cabover

In what could be Bad Chad’s most controversial build to date, the custom car builder combines four-door ’36 Ford leftovers from another project and ’49 Mercury acquired as an empty shell into a fully custom cabover truck in his rural shop using his shoot from the hip, decide on the fly style.

1949 Mercury Donor Car
Bad Chad COE Build ~ 1949 Mercury Donor Car
1936 Ford Donor Car
Bad Chad COE Build ~ 1936 Ford Donor Car

The Custom Cabover Concept

Bad Chad Custom Cabover Concept
Bad Chad Custom Cabover Concept ~ Rendering by Joe Putt

YouTube channel RCbodyShop Heyberger created 3D models of both the 1936 Ford and 1949 Mercury to help demonstrate the creative process and to help you visualize what is going on with Bad Chad’s custom COE build…

Full Custom COE Build by Bad Chad Playlist

The newest videos in this series are found on page 2 ^ ^ ^

About Bad Chad and Hiltz Auto

In a small, hand-built shop in a rural town lives a car artist like no other: Chad Hiltz aka “Bad Chad”. His one-of-a-kind creations spring from his imagination, a mind that never stops. Isolated and without extra spending money, Chad always had to be creative and resourceful.

Using only basic tools and his limitless ingenuity, Chad will incorporate literally anything into his car builds, parts from a boat, airplane, even an old locker. Part MacGyver, part Willy Wonka, if Bad Chad can imagine it, he will find a way to build it.