Halfass Kustoms, with some time to kill, revisits a GMC Roadster pickup project started some 7+ years ago. He drags the truck into the shop and puts some effort into it: “I think it needs some more love yet.”
1949 GMC Pickup Roadster Fenders, Hood Section
After evaluating where the project was left off, he tacks the front fenders in place and sections the hood to fit the body…
00:00 1949 GMC pickup walk around.
03:45 Pickup shuffle to the shop.
06:11 Looking at what I have to work with.
15:49 Welding fenders to the body.
21:12 Sectioning the hood on the GMC.
Window Frame, Fitting the Dash and Installing Airbags to Make a Roller
In this video, work gets done on the windshield frame, and the Pontiac dash and steering column are fitted and installed. Finally, airbags are mounted, making the truck a roller again…
00:00 Game plan.
01:36 Working on center window post.
06:51 Fitting Pontiac dash in the GMC.
13:25 Installing airbags.
16:50 Rolling truck off hoist to do a walk around.
Stay Tuned…