Project Farm tests Lucas Transmission Fix in a worn transmission — The product (available on Amazon) claims to stop slip, hesitation, and rough shifting in worn transmissions.
This product was tested on a 2000 Honda Accord with transmission problems. Additional testing was also done including an analysis of properties and ingredients by an independent oil testing lab as well as local testing: lubricity test, cold flow performance, and evaporative loss…
About Lucas Transmission Fix
Lucas Transmission Fix is a non-solvent formula that stops slip, hesitation, and rough shifting in worn transmissions and completely eliminates most seal leaks. Use in any transmission for preventative maintenance. Use also in light duty manual transmissions to increase shifting ease and transmission life.
Lucas Transmission Fix is available on Amazon
Key Benefits
- Contains no solvents
- Lowers operating temperatures and stops foaming
- Can be added to existing fluid without draining any out
- Effective in an extremely high percentage of cases