Nic Rothlisberger from Wolf Mountain Customs is tackling a 1950 Ford Shoebox chassis swap with a supercharged 1997 SN-95 Ford Mustang Cobra with a 5-speed gearbox. The Cobra chassis will be extended a little over 13 inches to get the wheelbase lined up.
Cutting the Mustang in Half
Nic starts off further tearing down the Mustang and cuts the car in half and wraps this segment getting sheet metal floor panels in place…
With the Mustang chassis largely prepared for the swap, Nic works to get the ’50 Ford Shoebox cut up and ready to be body dropped onto the chassis.
He, like so many before him, suffers through the trials and tribulations of getting the body to fit when maintaining the use of the donor’s cowl, firewall, and dash and getting the rockers tucked and fit. He wraps this segment with the body in place and tacked together at the structure points.
Body Drop onto the Donor Chassis
Nic guides his attention to getting the front-end sheet metal to fit. The Mustang donor’s core support gets trimmed to allow the hood to close, and bring the front fenders in towards the center. With those problems solved, he moves on to the firewall and cleanly closes that gap.
He then focuses on fender mounts and getting the body fully welded, cutting the wheel wells, and tying up some loose ends to get the car to move under its own power, including extending the fuel and brake lines, emergency brake cable, as well as lengthening the driveshaft.
Cutting, Adjusting, Lengthening ~ It Runs!
The 1950 Ford Shoebox onto 1997 SN-95 Mustang Cobra
The car was complete enough for Nic’s customers to take it to a car show before wrapping up the balance of the detail work. This is what it looked like when it left Nic’s shop.