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DIY Projects
Matt goes back to the basics and uses one of the most affordable yet powerful air tools in his shop — a $30 pistol grip needle scaler.
How To & DIY
How to protect rust or patina with a formula of boiled linseed oil and mineral spirits that you can mix and apply quickly and easily.
How To & DIY
Dan whips up a potion of vinegar, hydrogen peroxide and some salt in a spray bottle and matches the newly crafted panel to the body.
How To & DIY
In this video, Joe removes heavy rust, dirt, and grime so he can apply Rust Encapsulator Plus to a Camaro rear end.
Products & Reviews
Molasses, Evapo-Rust, Muriatic Acid, White Vinegar, Organic Apple Cider Vinegar, and water (control) are compared for rust removal.
Products & Reviews
Remove rust easily from metals using a 1000 Watt Laser – the dirt layer and any oxides underneath will absorb the energy and evaporate.
Products & Reviews
Project Farm uses 3 different tests to measure the effectiveness of using candle wax and a lighter/propane torch.
Products & Reviews
Project Farm tests penetrating fluid in a rust prevention showdown ~ Which busts the rust and prevents future rust the best?
Products & Reviews
When it comes to rust removal, is electrolysis better than Evapo-Rust?
How To & DIY
Today we’re showing you how to use a cellulose stick rod to weld through the thickest rust we could find.