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The Ultimate MOPAR Hoard ~ Trailers Full of Muscle Car Parts (for sale)

Mopar Parts For Sale
Mopar Parts For Sale

If your a car guy or gal, we’re sure you can imagine the nearly unimaginable dream of a tractor-trailer packed with muscle car parts — Frank Parks has SIX of them!

He’s been collecting Mopar cars and parts for many years and has been in business in Summerville, Georgia since 1994.

Mopar Restos ~ 35 White Oak Rd, Summerville, GA 30747

Frank has the ultimate Mopar mega hoard with nearly 100 vehicles on the property and hundreds of thousands of parts stashed away for safekeeping.

This is one of the most awesome collections we’ve ever seen. EVERY piece is documented and tagged — this is HOLY GRAIL level hoarding.

Frank has saved dozens of cars from being scrapped, and his insane attention to detail has created one of the biggest private collections of Mopar parts ever. Pretty crazy stuff for any muscle car enthusiast!

The Hot Rod Hoarder spent the afternoon with Frank and takes you through some of what Mopar Restos has to offer…

  • The Cars: 3:00
  • The Parts: 11:45

Mopar Muscle Car Parts For Sale

Frank does sell items from his collection including Vintage used Mopar parts for 1964-1978 A, B, C, Body cars, as well as repairs and component restoration services. He’s been mail ordering parts for 30 Years.

If you’d like to reach him, email Frank at or give him a call at 706-857-2832.

Mopar Restos, 35 White Oak Rd, Summerville, GA 30747

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