Jesse James on the Big Break that Made Him Famous December 4, 2015 Roadkill Customs Hot Rod Lifestyle From Graham Bensinger ~ Jesse James started out welding fenders for others; things took off when he realized he could do it better…Also of Interest: 1964 Dodge Polara Twin Turbo Sleeper Build Top 5 Career Mistakes Mechanics Make Danny Trejo’s 1952 Chevrolet 3100 Pickup Jesse James Returning to Reality TV with ‘Monster Garage’ Reboot Tim Allen’s Car Collection of Authentic American Made Motors Tour Richard Petty’s Car Collection with Dennis Gage Jesse JamesWeldingFollow Us on Flipboard
Welding Basics TIG Welding 101 ~ An All-Inclusive Introduction to GTAW January 25, 2019 Roadkill Customs Welding BasicsThis is an introduction to TIG welding video and goes over how to get started in TIG welding from the most basic level. [More…]
How To & DIY How To Remove Mill Scale January 12, 2021 Roadkill Customs How To & DIY, Metalworking Basics, Shop Basics, Welding BasicsYou need to remove mill scale prior to welding. Mill scale is a pain to get off without impacting the material beneath it. [More…]
DIY Projects How To Make an Inexpensive DIY Fab Table December 6, 2018 Roadkill Customs DIY Projects, How To & DIYJustin demonstrates a very useful design of a fabrication table using inexpensive and strong materials to make a table more versatile for fab. [More…]