If you’re thinking of building a turbocharged engine, the information EricTheCarGuy provides in this video will save you a lot of headache and sorrow. It will also save you some money.
Eric says:
I spent almost 2 years building my turbo Ford Fairmont and I love the way it turned out. Sometimes though, I wish I had never gone for a turbo. Turbos are great, but they can be a real pain to set up properly. If you do decide that turbo is the way you want to go, I hope this video helps you on that journey.
Eric talks about five (or more) considerations to be addressed when turbo charging either a fuel injected or naturally aspirated engine including:
- Considerations when building an engine for turbocharging
- Waste Gate
- Boost Gauge
- Blow-out Valve
- Heat Management/ Heat Shield
- Clocking the Turbo
- and More…