Products & Reviews Chevrolet Tri-5 Rear Axle Bearing Retainer Plates July 15, 2016 Roadkill CustomsHave you experienced leaking bearing retainers or bearing failure with your Tri-5? The original design is weak and as it becomes bent and distorted it allows the bearing to move back and forth within the [More…]
Products & Reviews Mr. Gasket Hot Rod Calc – Street and Strip Performance Calculator May 13, 2016 Roadkill CustomsCalculate your vehicle’s performance based on temperature, elevation, atmospheric pressure, and moisture content. [More…]
Home Garage Low Profile Billet Jack from California Car Cover December 2, 2012 Roadkill CustomsFinally. A jack that’s made for the lowest of cars. Clearance is no problem with the Low Profile Billet Jack from California Car Cover. [More…]