March 30, 2018 @ 10:00 am – April 1, 2018 @ 8:00 pm
Saddle Sore Ranch
4597 S Jasper Road
Golden Valley
AZ 86413
4597 S Jasper Road
Golden Valley
AZ 86413
West Coast Rendezvous

This year’s West Coast Rendezvous promises to be the biggest one yet. More old school biker games, more activites, more live entertainment, and more debauchery!!! See you there.
WANT TO COME TO ONE OF OUR EVENTS, BUT DON’T WANT TO CAMP? The Saddle Sore Ranch is located between the cities of Kingman, AZ and Laughlin, NV which are only about 15 miles away. Both cities offer all of the services you may want. Including hotels, shopping, dining, WalMart and more… Laughlin is on the Colorado River, and also offers Las Vegas style casinos and gambling.