13220 Central Ave
CA 91710
This is not an “Official” FB entry for this event.
For more info please see below:
” The 16th Annual Corn Feed Run Car Show & Cruise, presented by Kiwanis Club of Chino and City of Chino will be on April 14, 2018. The show will be located in downtown Chino on the City Hall lawn, parking lot and surrounding streets. The Chino City Hall is located at 13220 Central Ave. There is a $25 show vehicle entry fee before April 1, 2018 and the entry fee will be $30 after that date. The entry fee includes t-shirts for all participants. Spectators are admitted free.
Over 800 vehicles are expected, and the show is open to all pre-1975 cars and all working show trucks. There is 15 blocks of cruising from 10:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. There will be an open header contest, vendors, awesome trophies, a huge raffle, and great food and music. There will be a huge display of operational antique engines set up by the WPA. All proceeds go to local youth & senior charities of the Chino Kiwanis Club. For general information, contact Walt Pocock at 909-591-4162 or at cornfeedrun@aol.com. “