Tired of your typical cross-country road trip and the boredom of seemingly endless interstates?
Take the next exit and get yourself onto a two-lane highway.
You’ll have an unforgettable experience. A retro experience. An all-American experience.

Jamie Jensen is the author of the best-selling book Road Trip USA and has traveled close to half a million miles in search of the perfect stretch of two-lane blacktop.
He gets out of the car as much as possible in search of the best french fries, rodeos, historic trails, and slices of cherry pie that he can find.
The Road Awaits!
Criss-cross the country on America’s classic two-lane highways with Road Trip USA! Inside you’ll find:
- A flexible network of route combinations, color-coded and extensively cross-referenced to allow for hundreds of possible itineraries
- Mile-by-mile highlights celebrating the best of Americana, including roadside curiosities, parks, diners, and more
- Local history that reveals the unique personalities of small towns and big cities across the country
- Vintage snapshots, full-color photos, and beautiful illustrations of America both then and now
- Over 125 detailed driving maps covering more than 35,000 miles of classic American blacktop
- Expert advice from road-warrior Jamie Jensen, who cruised nearly 400,000 miles of highway in search of the perfect stretches of pavement
Road Trip USA celebrates the great American road trip, and gives you the tools, resources, and inspiration to make it your own.